Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mr. Lucky

I don't know why but I've always been lucky at "draw your name out of the hat" kind of things. I used to go to "Western States Land Commissioners" conventions for work. At these conventions, they always had a dinner on the final day and they had prizes which they awarded to those whose names were drawn out of the hat or box or whatever. I won at least one grand prize, one or two runner-up prizes, and lots of other prizes such as briefcases, totes, shirts, that kind of thing.

There was also a name drawing at work a couple of years ago. The Director at the time, who didn't like me and towards whom the feeling was reciprocated, had a couple of tickets for a sky box to watch the Jazz. Much to his dismay, my name was drawn.

Anyway, last week, JoAnn and I went down to BYU to listen to the last in a series of lectures about Hugh Nibley. Since it was the last lecture, and since it was given by Michael D. Rhodes, who co-wrote Nibley's last book, One Eternal Round, they had a drawing for an autographed copy of the book. As they were getting ready to draw the name, I leaned over and told JoAnn "I'm pretty lucky at these sorts of drawings". She just said that she never won anything. She's been to at least a million teacher educational gatherings where they drew names and she's never won anything. Well, you guessed it, they drew my name for the autographed book. Now I feel obligated to read it.