Monday, September 29, 2008

Parker and Trey

I finally learned how to get photos from my phone to the computer. I don't know if it is the best way but I just email them to myself and then save them. The phone lady at work will probably have a heart attack when she sees the bill but oh well. These photos are of Parker and Trey Dukatz. . Their birthdays are only a few months apart and they are BF in the WWW. They spend so much time together they are practically brothers. Parker is very lucky to have such a good friend at such a young age. By the way, I didn't take these photos with my phone, Dustin sent them to my phone.

Monday, September 15, 2008

La Sal Mountains Again

I think I've mentioned that my work takes me to the La Sal Mountains several times a year. These photos are from a trip this summer to inspect a couple of timber sales that are finishing up. We (SITLA) have an agreement with an excelsior mill in Colorado where we furnish them with at least a million board feet of aspen each year (they pay $10.50/ton). They use the aspen to make excelsior for use in erosion blankets. The harvesting of aspen is more important now because hundreds of acres of trees are dying due to the poplar beetle. If we can harvest it soon enough, the clones will sprout and in a couple of years, a beautiful replacement stand of aspen will be tall enough to escape the jaws of hungry cows, horses, elk, and deer. Click on a photo to get a better view.

Parkie and Nana

Sunday when Dustin and Parker came over, Parker was tired and cranky. He didn't want much to do with anyone. But Nana changed his mood by reading some books with him and then taking him outside to the sand box. This photo shows them in the hammock watching the planes fly over. It seems like they lower their landing gear directly overhead. The photo is blurry because they wouldn't stop swinging.