Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Dog Walkers (and sometimes flyers)

One of our favorite TV shows is the Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan. The guy is amazing! The changes he can make dogs undergo are incredible. Anyway, JoAnn has been working with our dogs (Boomer; Sadie does everything well), to get them to do a regular dog walk. Boomer just gets so excited. He cries and barks all the way to the park, and then he just pulls and pulls. JoAnn has made a lot of progress with him and on this particular day, PJ took Sadie's leash while JoAnn worked with Boomer. A couple of weeks later, PJ had Sadie's leash when, for some reason, Sadie just bolted. I'm told PJ literally went flying. He tells the story now that he went flying like Buzz Lightyear. He also says he wants to do it again but this time he won't cry.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Great Hunt Panel

The agency I work for manages some 3.4 million acres which are mostly scattered around the state in one mile square sections. With that much land, there are bound to be some interesting things on some of the parcels. The first time I saw the Great Hunt Panel, was about 15 years ago and it was so close to the road, you could almost reach out the window and touch it. The Panel is located in Cottonwood Canyon which intersects with Nine Mile Canyon. Nine Mile Canyon is world famous for its petroglyphs and the Great Hunt Panel may be the most famous of all.

Several years ago, when oil & gas activity was increasing, the agency got with the county and the lessee to realign the road to get it away from the panel. We then attempted to spruce it up with some fencing and some signs. The first attempt at this by the county failed so miserably, it was torn out and removed altogether. After a couple of years of not being able to find anyone to do the job, the two foresters who work for me, Adam Robison and Cary Zielinsky, were enlisted to do it. After several weeks of planning, and a couple of weeks of hard labor by them and lots of other agency folks and volunteers, and lots of bitching and moaning by the auditors and accountants, a very nice thing happened to the panel; it is now protected and is a very nice place to visit. As always, click on the photos for a better view.

PJ Colors Easter Eggs

I know its long past Easter and I have been neglecting my blog duties. So sue me. Anyway, last year PJ wasn't all that interested in coloring Easter eggs so JoAnn was kind of half-hearted about it this year. Senta came over and colored all the eggs but 3 which she saved for PJ. To our surprise, when PJ saw the eggs and the process, he was so excited that he made Senta help him recolor all the eggs that had already been colored. He had so much fun that JoAnn and Senta scheduled a second round of Easter Eggs.

For Easter Sunday, we got PJ a toy lawnmower. The reason we did was that we had some old photos lying around that PJ loves to look at. One day he picked up a photo and said "where my lawnmower go?" A year ago, we had taken some shots of Dustin and PJ giving Boomer a bath. In the background, barely visible, was his old lawnmower which had fallen apart and been thrown away (see PJ and the Dirty Dogs from July 8, 2008). The boy loves to mow the lawn!