The other day, I read an article in the Smithsonian Magazine about the impending extinction of red heads in the world. To quote the article:
"If predictions by the Oxford Hair Foundation come to pass, the number of natural redheads everywhere will continue to dwindle until there are none left by the year 2100."
This upset me a little because some of my favorite people in the world are red heads. In fact, I have been called a red head myself. I remember when we lived in Orem decades ago, I used to go home teaching to a family where one of the little girls called me "the man with the orange hair". Now I don't think I have orange hair, just some auburn highlights.
I guess the reason we have four red-headed children is because both JoAnn and I have have auburn hair. I remember going to the store when they were all small and getting dirty looks and even accusations of evil doing since the accuser had red hair but had been unable to have red-headed children.
Regardless of the article, I'm optimistic that there will always be red heads. I've read articles by other people who think the prediction is hogwash. And as you can see, I've done my part to ensure the long-term survival of the red head. Photo credit: Brian Wilcox.
Redheads rule in the Wilcox fam!
OH boy I was scared to look :) This is so funny, we are all so young! How come I'm the only one smiling?
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